Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bolter Readings: Response Questions

Before I go into anything else, I think I posted my first post wrong. So I'd like to apologize for that. Well, that and posting these so late as I am still without any personal internet access.

Anyways, on to the questions.

1) All of Bolter's talk of different kinds of '-mediacy' seems to mirror Baudrillard's ideas of the Real, especially of the hyperreal/simulacrum. To what extent is media a neccessity of something being seen as 'real'? Alternately, in what ways does hypermediacy contribute to the hyperreal?

2) Is media a reflection of the way in which we perceive the world, or a mode of perception in and of itself? Or both?

3) What evidence of remediation have you seen in your own experiences? Were you at all aware of remediation (or hypermediacy, etc) before being forced to confront them, or has remediation succeeded to this extent by fading into the background?

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