Tuesday, October 14, 2008

14 October Answer

3) Does equipment make a difference? (if the picture is clearer or easier to hear, are you more likely to gravitate toward a 'professionally' made one compared to a lesser quality one?) [via Nicole]

I really think it depends on context; if it's a nature documentary, yes. However, grainy wartime footage or something of the like can lend it a sense of being 'in the moment' and less likely to be staged. For example, in the class directly before this one we just watched a PETA film called 'Meet Your Meat'. Although probably more a video persuasive essay than a documentary, it used hidden camera footage to show the tactics used on animals in factory farms. In this case, the unsteady filming and somewhat poor quality was excusable and actually made it seem more believable.
But in terms of watching a documentary for leisure - yes, I'm more likely to lean towards Meerkat Manor than something less professionally filmed and edited.

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